Desi Men: Break Up Phaatus!

 Tuesday, July 12, 2011

When it comes to breaking up, Desi men take the cake...and the cherry. Not only are they complete phaatus, lack balls and are terrible at being upfront to a girl, but they really haven't mastered the art of breaking up; at all. I've seen it all when it comes to Desi men. Nearly a decade of dating will do that to you, open you up to the losers, freaks and most ball-less of Desi men alive. If one broke up with me over an SMS, the other decided going AWOL on me would the smartest idea. Fools. But one thing is for sure, they all come back. Always. Without digressing, basically the point I'm making is that Desi girls aren't stupid. We understand that sometimes, men just don't feel it. And you know what, it's fine. But rather than escaping the situation at hand by using cheap tactics, would it really hurt your head(s) to be honest?

Remember than Sex in the City episode where Carrie (Sarah Jessica Parker) gets broken up with over a post-it? Yeah, I'm always reminded of that when I hear of break-up stories that are beyond comprehension. What is it with Desi men and their courage? They seem to lose it when it comes to telling a Desi girl that it's over. I'll never understand what the big deal is. You don't see us walking in the opposite direction when we see a guy we've dated/slept with/made out with and so on.

From sheer experience, men around me have somehow managed to irk me with their immature attitudes when it comes to breaking up. In the heat of the moment, I remember wanting to clobber them with a club. But in retrospect, it not only seems hilarious but it made me realize that if things would have worked out long term with any of those men, I'd probably be incredibly bored and miserable. A man who has no balls to tell you to your face it's over is basically...not a man!

Okay enough male bashing. It's not my thing- men are my weakness; sadly. Basically my point is simple: get over it. We aren't going to jump off a bridge or drink a bottle of chlorine if you break up with us. We're women of the 21st century. A mere break up is hardly going to kill us. So get over your fears, grow some balls and man up. You may find that we're more than happy to call it quits too! It's not always about you, ya know.


Sushma January 6, 2012 at 6:38 PM  

hahaha completely agree. desi men are notorious for avoiding confrontation. And then they blow up when you try and confront them, honestly, if you were worried about feeling emasculated, you should've grown a pair and said something! Ugh, so annoying.

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