High School Ishq-Vishq

 Saturday, May 28, 2011

My High School sweetheart was also my Kindergarten and Elementary School crush. Mind you he never knew how much I swooned over him for years. Just like any other Desi girl who was possessed by the Bollywood bug, I too stood in a corner and loved from afar. As kids, we played house-house together. He, the husband; I, the wife. It was then that I made plans for our future. Ghar, ghar ke samne garden and so on. And then, puberty happened. He got cuter while my puberty sprout took me down Gawky Road. We stopped speaking. Completely. But that couldn’t stop me from gazing at him while he played rugby from behind the bleachers. There were painstaking moments too. One day as I strolled into the school cafeteria, I spotted him in a corner getting cozy with a ‘friend’ of mine. My heart ached and in true cinematic style, I ran out the cafĂ© teary-eyed only to be stopped by a close male friend who pacified me. Yes, such moments do occur in real-life. We never really spoke post elementary school. There was the occasional “Hi!” and “What’s up?” but it remained at that.
We both moved away from home for college and even then, our friendship remained very distant. I was kept in loop through the grapevines about his nonstop chain of girlfriends. Rumors floated about him every few months. “He doesn’t like Indian girls,” was one that seemed to pop around a lot. But what changed most, besides our looks – he is still quite dashing while I slowly but surely groomed myself into the hottie that I am, is how disinterested I am in him. I’ve been told by friends who see him around the social circuit that he has become the ultimate douche. Apparently, all this talk and crowning him as the “Most Eligible Bachelor” has convinced him that he is indeed, god’s gift to womankind. Riiiight. And yes, he is not into Desi girls.
I literally condemn the idea of “High School Sweethearts”. And it’s not because my own HS sweetheart turned out to be such a jerk in the end. But in reality, does the theory make sense? In High School, how many boys (they only become men post 30, ladies) do you really know? In hindsight, I look back at all at all the boys I knew then and now know that they turned out to be complete fools. But it isn’t their fault; it’s ours. Imagine marrying your HS sweetheart. You’re talking about being with a boy who eventually becomes a man at some point, but you bear the brunt of it all. During this transition, you see every aspect of his evolution and trust me, it is not necessary. Boys know nothing at seventeen. All they want to do is satisfy the aching need between their legs. Desi boys especially.
 My advice to every girl who is dating her HS sweetheart post High School is very simple: Leave him! Look girls, you need to get out there and experience the dating world for what it is. There are the good dudes, the bad ones, the sleazy ones, the lazy ones and of course, the sexy ones. But how would you know? You’re stuck with Mr. High School-wala. And you can believe he ain’t sitting and singing your jhaaps honey. He’s out painting the town and doing ‘it’ when he can.
It’s a simple funda. High School is juvenile. So are the crushes, so are the relationships and so are the men. And once you graduate, it’s on to bigger and better, no? Better men with bigger packages – pun intended.


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